Sports Destination Management Magazine
The finish line for this year is in sight. We made it through 2021 but we didn’t do it alone. All of us worked together to rebound and succeed. And when you really think about it, our industry isn’t made up of sports or events; it’s made up of people. It's those people who have helped and inspired us. Let’s continue to be there for one another. This issue showcases how much it means to have a thriving, supportive industry.
Click here for Digital VersionHow did you get your start in the industry? Were you a sports standout in school and wanted to stay connected to what you loved? Did you drift in from another profession, such as meeting planning or public relations? Maybe you majored in sports management in college. While we all have different entry points, we have a common denominator: mentors in the industry who guided us along. And they’re still helping us out; this issue has some great advice on issues we’re all grappling with and challenges we’re all facing. Let’s never stop learning, growing and pursuing excellence, particularly now as we emerge from the darkness into the welcome warmth of summer.
Click here for Digital VersionIn this issue is some of the best advice you’ll find anywhere, and it’s because of the industry experts who contributed their time, their knowledge and their insights. This industry has perhaps the most in-depth knowledge base – and the fascinating thing is that so many people relate it in stories – things that have happened during competitions, people they’ve met and what they learned as a result. As we head into summer, it is our hope that this issue will help guide you along as we move out of the darkness that was the last year and toward better, brighter days.
Click here for Digital VersionIt has been said numerous times that our industry is recession proof. But no one thought to ask if it was pandemic proof. This edition of Sport Destination Management is dedicated to our industry and is designed to celebrate our achievements during this tough time, as well as embrace the future as we begin to see our industry rebound. We at SDM have been waiting over a year to feel some semblance of normalcy. We want this issue to serve as a reminder of how great the sports tourism industry is, and to bring hope to everyone involved! --Scott Swoger, Publisher
Click here for Digital VersionIn this issue, we look at golf, swimming and diving, which, along with our other featured sport, soccer, are all showcased in the Summer Olympics. This year, the Olympics will see some new sports: karate, surfing, climbing and skateboarding. And in 2024, we’ll have breakdancing. Sports will continue to evolve and change. This issue helps us move with those changes, with some great articles by incredibly knowledgeable members of our industry. As move into spring, let’s commit to learning, to growing and to helping our industry evolve. If we can do that, everyone wins.
Click here for Digital VersionWe just closed out a year nobody could have anticipated. As we continue into the new year, optimism is strong, with vaccines on the scene and sports beginning their rebound. The question, of course, is where we go from here. Ideally, 2021 will be the year not just when tournaments return, but also when spectators come back and confidence in travel is restored. This issue gets you off to a great start with information you can use in light of the market conditions. Let’s face 2021 together and start strong, stay resilient and work together.
Click here for Digital Version2020
As we sprint toward the end of the year, it’s a good time to reflect – not on the things we can’t do but on the things we have learned to do differently. Not all change is bad, particularly if it brings learning. This issue has examples. From merchandizing to app design, from recurring events to arranging accommodations, much has changed. This issue also helps you keep current on the changes in a variety of sports, including squash, football, rodeo, equestrian, tennis, pickleball and even volleyball. Finish the year strong and get set for 2021.
Click here for Digital VersionIf we have learned anything over the past few months, it’s that we’re never alone. Even at a time when all the things we normally anticipate each fall, like local 5Ks, city marathons, high school sports and the sprint toward the World Series, have been knocked out of kilter, we still have each other – our colleagues in this industry, who are sharing their knowledge. And this issue is a great example. There are peer-written articles on risk management, security, transportation and business development, some of the most timely and relevant topics around. We are stronger together than we ever could be independently. Let us continue to lean on and learn from one another, as we move toward a brighter future.
Click here for Digital VersionThis summer is a great time to gather our thoughts for the season ahead. And even as we wait for a vaccine to be developed, we’re seeing an incredible amount of creativity and ingenuity, as well as unshakable optimism, in the sports event industry. From attending virtual events (hello, Zoom!) to finding smarter ways of communicating with potential clients, we’re making our way through a new landscape. This issue has great information you can use now – as well as in the future. From learning how to maximize the value of internships to understanding how to minimize risk, this issue can help you move forward.
Click here for Digital VersionCOVID-19 might be the most formidable opponent the sports tourism industry has ever faced. In an instant, we have learned that our so-called “recession-proof” industry…wasn’t. But our industry is nothing if not nimble and adaptable. And everything in this issue is proof of that fact. From industry writers who speak about new ways of doing business, to sports venues that will be there when we return to play, this issue has what we need. It also has something we can’t sell and can’t buy but can only find in one another: hope. As we head into the summer’s warmth, we want it to bring hope to you as well.
Click here for Digital VersionNobody needs to be told that excellent events don’t happen by themselves. On the contrary, they call for a detailed plan for excellence behind the scenes as well as what meets the eye for spectators. A strong event is supported by an excellent working relationship with the local sports commission and CVB, as well as several vendors, including photography, housing and medical planning. Other aspects adding to the overall excellence of the competition include proper marketing and the strong pursuit of athletes to participate. Learn about all those things and more in this issue.
Click here for Digital VersionWhat’s your 2020 vision? If you’ve yet to make resolutions for the coming year, this is the issue for you. You can learn about esports, the fastest-growing phenomenon not only in the U.S. but worldwide. We also have insights into great destinations for snow and ice sports (a few are even at beachfront locales) and some of the best basketball venues you’ll see ahead of March Madness. Our feature on new and emerging markets is another great start, as are the articles on streaming, kayak fishing and adaptive sports. Your new year starts here, with some great information and insights.
Click here for Digital Version2019
Sports have come a long way since the ancient Greeks wrestled and raced their way to glory. We’ve seen the evolution of new disciplines among old, familiar sports (beach volleyball and synchronized swimming, for example) – and we’ve also seen the emergence of entirely new sports. From drone racing to esports to competitive marching band, we are constantly redefining sports and finding new ways to host them. In this, our awards issue, we see both new and familiar sports, and we honor all of them. It’s because of everyone that our industry is so strong, so vibrant and so varied.
Click here for Digital VersionThis issue is a testimonial to all that goes on behind the scenes, long before spectators fill the stands and athletes take to the field. And while it all goes under the heading of due diligence, it is made even better by the fact that every single contributor to this issue is sharing ideas born out of their years of experience in the industry. The articles on venue negotiations, transportation, contingency planning and security all represent essential steps event owners must take into account before competitions go on. We invite you to read on, and to learn from their insights.
Click here for Digital VersionThe adage is “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” But in sports, with new technologies in sports equipment and playing surfaces, and athletes who push and expand the limits, we see a continued evolution. This issue reviews both traditional sports (running and lacrosse) as well as those that continue to evolve (combat sports, quidditch and cheer). We also have excellent pieces from industry thought leaders with cutting-edge ideas on volunteer management, hotel negotiations, social media marketing and risk management. Get set to learn something new on every page.
Click here for Digital VersionThis issue brings together sports we know and love – baseball, track & field and fishing – and yet still shows us we can learn something new. Our industry contributors have written about events for senior athletes, how to manage the athlete relationship, ways to build economic impact and exciting new opportunities awaiting those who want to further their education. We’ll also see how triathlon and junior golf are training future athletes for success. There’s even a feature on college towns and what they can offer. A new summer of sports is at hand. Let's get the learning started.
Click here for Digital VersionThis issue is a testament to our readers’ knowledge. Many articles here, on topics such as choosing a photographer, planning for medical support and the benefits of hosting events at off-peak and off-season times, were written on a volunteer basis. They contain great insights and we hope you benefit from them. Also in this issue, you’ll find features on golf, soccer, swimming and diving, as well as sport climbing and disc golf. There’s also an excellent “who’s who” feature on our industry. We’re headed into spring and into a new season of sports. This issue provides a great head start. Enjoy!
Click here for Digital VersionThe end of one year and the beginning of another is a time for looking back, taking stock and making resolutions to improve on what you’ve done. Sometimes, though, it's better to just look ahead. The new year brings us closer to the Olympics, the World Games and even the World Cup. This issue will help get you started on 2019 in the best possible way. Our articles will jump-start your knowledge of technology, site selection and even give you a better understanding of what it takes to put on an eSports event. There’s much to learn and much to look forward to in 2019. Kick off the year here and now.
Click here for Digital Version2018
As we sprint toward the end of the year, a quick look back tells us 2018 has been quite a ride, full of highs and lows. And between all the milestones, we’ve done our jobs, each of us making up a part of the big machine that is sports tourism and the economy it has created. In this issue, we celebrate our 2018 Champions of Economic Impact in Sports Tourism. We also examine growing and emerging sports (pickleball and flag football) as well as equestrian and rodeo. Our industry thought leaders have also given us some excellent insights, making this issue worth your always valuable time.
Click here for Digital VersionThe landscape of sports is always evolving and changing. What doesn’t change: how much we love to get behind our favorite athletes and cheer for them – and how much they can benefit communities when they come to town. This issue is a great combination of long-time favorites and what have been called ‘disruptors’ in our technological lexicon. The fall sports season – a transitional time – is underway, reminding us that like it or not, this year is winding down. Make sure you’re ready for the new season and new challenges that lie ahead. Our articles, industry insights and more can help.
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