November/December 2020 | Sports Destination Management

November/December 2020


Sports Destination Management Magazine

November/December 2020

As we sprint toward the end of the year, it’s a good time to reflect – not on the things we can’t do but on the things we have learned to do differently. Not all change is bad, particularly if it brings learning. This issue has examples. From merchandizing to app design, from recurring events to arranging accommodations, much has changed. This issue also helps you keep current on the changes in a variety of sports, including squash, football, rodeo, equestrian, tennis, pickleball and even volleyball. Finish the year strong and get set for 2021.

In this issue

Football: An Update from NAIA

BY: Mike Higgins

Of all the sports to be presented this fall, few have received the ink football has. The NAIA continues to explore the boundaries as well as the newest opportunities, rolling out a women’s flag football program that has received a tremendous amount of interest among member schools. Get the inside track on the sport from a small college perspective. more....