July/August 2021 | Sports Destination Management

July/August 2021


Sports Destination Management Magazine

July/August 2021

How did you get your start in the industry? Were you a sports standout in school and wanted to stay connected to what you loved? Did you drift in from another profession, such as meeting planning or public relations? Maybe you majored in sports management in college. While we all have different entry points, we have a common denominator: mentors in the industry who guided us along. And they’re still helping us out; this issue has some great advice on issues we’re all grappling with and challenges we’re all facing. Let’s never stop learning, growing and pursuing excellence, particularly now as we emerge from the darkness into the welcome warmth of summer.

In this issue

Pandemic Plus Side? The Evolution of Sports Marketing

BY: Ally Mills Dorrough, APR, TMP

The pandemic didn’t have many upsides but while in lockdown, organizations (both destinations and events) found time to fine-tune their marketing and advertising campaigns. Additionally, the very way we market, including communication strategies, critical thinking and branding, changed during the pandemic – and many of those changes are here to stay. more....