Batter up!
Triple Crown Baseball, an event owner with championships at multiple levels of play, is seeking partnerships with destinations who want to host its tournaments and other events. Information on facility needs, accommodation requirements and travel numbers are all included in this RFP.
The Triple Crown Summer Championships are poised to become annual event in 2023 for travel baseball clubs ages 12u, 14u & 15u. At their peak, the events look to feature 32 teams in each age division, all looking to compete for a single championship.
Click here to download the RFP.
Destination Requirements:
- Partnership-looking to collaborate and build the event with Triple Crown
- Performance based contracts for minimum of 3 to 5 years
- Facility cost offset components
- Sponsorship or subsidy based on room night performance
- Lodging community that is aggressive in their interest to host and develop sports tourism.
- Are places that individuals visit when they are not playing baseball
- Facility partnerships with various entities are unified (municipalities, public, private, school district and other special event locations
Answers to Tournament FAQs:
- Total of 96 teams
- Each team 13.33 players per team average.
- 1.5 fans per player, 19.5 spectators/fans- 32.5 players, coaches & fans per team. 3120 total attendance.
- 10.83 rooms per team per night, 35.41 room nights per team, based on 3.27-night stay; 3,399 room nights at peak attendance
- Depending on final destination of the event, local team participation could decrease room night stay from 10%-25%
Additional Details:
- 5 game guarantee- 4 day play event – pending facility availability 14u and 15u division may stagger start.
- Tournament Opening Festivities and manager meeting the evening prior to the start of play.
- All teams will play a minimum of 3 days with semifinals and championships on day 4
- Tournament required lodging policy-stay to play
- Measurable room night & economic impact systems
Desired Dates & Facility Information:
4 days inclusive of a weekend on the backside or the frontside of the date range. Start date no earlier than 4th weekend in June and end date no later than the Tuesday following the 2nd weekend in July.
Youth/12u Facilities: 8 fields minimum, 1 Complex w/4 fields minimum. All fields with turf, grass or skin (dirt) infield, cut big enough for 70’ bases, fence distance minimum of 225’, temporary fence is okay, permanent or portable mounds capable of 50’, lights, concessions and restrooms, scoreboards preferred not required.
15u & 14u facilities: 10 Regulation baseball diamonds, high school, college, minor league…. 60’6” permanent or portable mounds, grass or turf only (no skin infields), lights and concessions, preferable to have at minimum 1 complex of 4 fields. Having access to a college or minor league stadium increases the likelihood of selection.
Local venue for opening ceremony, guest speakers.
Local work force interested in baseball to assist with management of event and extra activities.
Media support for photography and social media during the event.
Click here to download the RFP.
For more information: John Casale-Baseball Event Director of Triple Crown Sports: (970) 672-0583, john@triplecrownsports.com, www.triplecrownsports.com.