November/December 2015 | Sports Destination Management

November/December 2015


Sports Destination Management Magazine

November/December 2015

In this issue of Sports Destination Management, we take an up-close look at the trends that help keep sports current. Learn about the forces shaping volleyball, tennis and equestrian events. There are new developments in each sport, and you’ll read them here first. Our Sports Outlook feature focuses on strength and fitness competitions – and you might be surprised to learn how USA Weightlifting is reaching out to other sports, among them, powerlifting and CrossFit, to gain new participants. US Soccer is riding high this season, but officials aren’t resting on their laurels. There are new initiatives afoot to keep people involved in the game. If hotel negotiations are part of your job, there’s a great feature discussing key points of any contract. In addition, event merchandising has never been a hotter topic, since a good piece of merchandise provides advertising for your event all year long. Making that happen means staying current with the trends, and our article will show you how. Need to learn which apps can help you manage your event and keep it moving at the speed of new technology? That’s in this issue too. And here’s something you won’t want to miss: insights on how to keep an annual event fresh, year after year. There’s also a focus on the Midwest and all the great sports venues there, plus our first ever awards program, Economic Impact in Sports Tourism. The learning starts here. Click and see for yourself.

In this issue

Event Apps: Enhance, Extend, Excite!

BY: Kathleen A. DeMarco

Flashlights, flight trackers, you name it, there’s an app for it. But how do you harness the power of apps for even better event management? Here are some tips, taking into account the newest and most popular apps on the market that can help you harness cutting-edge technology to operate more efficiently. more....