November/December 2010 | Sports Destination Management

November/December 2010


Sports Destination Management Magazine

November/December 2010

With most organizations, the end of the year brings a brief time to reflect and review where the organization has been, and more importantly, where it's going. This is a great opportunity to evaluate what worked, what didn't, and how to do it better next year. In this issue of Sports Destination Management, we take that same approach and offer excellent insight into improving your events while looking at what works, the pitfalls to avoid, and how to stay on top.

One aspect of a successful event that is often overlooked is assessing the stakeholder's return. Is your event addressing the needs of everyone involved, including, but not limited to, participants, families, sponsors, the community and venue? In Evaluating Your Impact, Juli Anne Patty offers a fresh glimpse into the needs of all involved. Continuing this impact theme, Sarah Knott examines the critical role travel and logistics play in terms of the bottom line and participant experience. In Travel Economics, she takes the lessons learned managing travel for the 2010 FIFA World Cup and applies them to all events - large or small.

In this issue

Snow & Ice: The Way to Do Winter

BY: Juli Anne Patty

Winter is the season of the shortest days and the coldest temperatures. Its dark, frosty toe-freezing months might be dreary if it weren't for one thing: sports. Let's talk about the athletic pursuits that fill those frigid hours with fun. Put on your boots, and let's find some snow and ice sports. more....