May/June 2017 | Sports Destination Management

May/June 2017


Sports Destination Management Magazine

May/June 2017

This issue is one you’ll want to save. Not only does it contain excellent information on some of the fastest-growing sports around, like triathlon and pickleball, but it offers up articles you’ll find yourself turning to again and again. You can learn about sports events for seniors, maximizing economic impact, building your relationship with athletes, exploring continuing education options – and a whole lot more. Plus, there are features on baseball, fishing and track & field. Your learning experience starts the second you turn the page.

In this issue

Fishing’s Bright Future

BY: Juli Anne Patty

With new participation initiatives and a booming tournament scene, fishing’s future is looking bright. Find out how cities across the U.S. are parlaying the water features they have into success at the competitive level. From freshwater lakes to coastal excursions, the sport is reeling them in. more....