May/June 2015 | Sports Destination Management

May/June 2015


Sports Destination Management Magazine

May/June 2015

The old adage in real estate is location, location, location. We all know that but as event professionals, we also know that it comes to finding the right venue for a sports event, location is only one ingredient. Other things count too, including accommodations, amenities, infrastructure and of course, the outstanding professionals who make it all come together. In this issue, we talk about destinations for soccer, fishing and track & field – and all that goes into finding those venues. (And you might be surprised at some of the insights you’ll glean from the event rights holders – as well as destinations—who have provided their input). But that’s not all, not by a long shot. This issue also talks about what you can do to help maximize the economic event of your event. And right along with that, we talk about how to give athletes the star treatment so that they want to return to your event. There’s also valuable advice on tapping into the senior athlete market, the new trends in multisport events – and even a discussion of educational programs designed to turn out more knowledgeable professionals. You’ll also learn about specific locations – such as the Mid-Atlantic area – and in our special Industry Leadership section, you’ll meet some of the most promising stars who can help you put on the best event ever. It’s a great issue and you won’t want to miss a single word.   

In this issue

Running Skills: More Cities are Partnering with Facilities, Coaches and Clubs to Promote Finish-Line Destinations

BY: Michael Popke

It’s the oldest sport in the world, but track & field isn’t resting on its laurels. Its athletes are constantly evolving, and destinations have learned what those athletes want and how to deliver. In addition, CVBs, sports commissions, communities, local running clubs and others are partnering to make the event even better. Find out about new trends and how to harness them to make your event a personal best. more....