November/December 2008 | Sports Destination Management

November/December 2008


Sports Destination Management Magazine

November/December 2008

This is the time of the year, as the New Year approaches, when most businesses and organizations begin to reassess their goals and plans in an effort to improve upon even the most successful endeavors of the past year. This is very prudent, as one of the first rules of good management is to know your organization inside and out, understanding what works and what does not. This is the only way to establish a vision of your goals, and to then design a plan to achieve those goals. Once this plan is established, most decisions can be based on it: Will a particular city meet my organization's needs? Does our brand reflect who we are? Does our insurance cover everything we need? To help facilitate this endeavor, we present a host of articles to help you get it right the first time.

In this issue

Evaluating Economic Impact: The Community Perspective

BY: Brent Lonteen

There is no question sporting events have a far-reaching economic impact on the communities that host them. In 2007, the Peoria Area Convention and Visitors Bureau in Peoria, Illinois contracted an independent firm to perform a study on the economic impact of sports. The study surveyed and interviewed event planners, officials, participants and attendees from more than 250 professional, collegiate and amateur sporting events, as well as managers of area hotels, restaurants, and companies that serve as event sponsors. It also researched comparable cities, analyzed public and industry records, and consulted with national travel and tourism industry organizations. The result? Sports have a $61 million impact on the Peoria Area, a much higher figure than expected. But that impact is much deeper than most people realize. more....