May/June 2010 | Sports Destination Management

May/June 2010


Sports Destination Management Magazine

May/June 2010

Recently, a friend of mine made his first hole-in-one at a local golf course. Within minutes I received a tweet of the occurrence, followed immediately by an e-mail containing a photo of him holding the ball. A few hours later I received a Facebook notification with another proclamation of this accomplishment. And this was on a random Sunday morning. Imagine what the coverage would have been had he made that hole-in-one at a special event with cruises and cash on the line?

In this issue we focus on creating and establishing media coverage with the intent to create ROI. Every touch-point for participant, attendee, and sometimes the community has a value. Maximizing that brand through a combination of social and traditional media enhances ROI for this and future events, and creates a brand experience.

In this issue

Event Management: Measuring Event ROI

BY: Greg Economou

When I was asked to write an article about measuring event ROI, I thought of my experiences at some of the world’s great sporting events - Olympics, Super Bowls, World Series games, all-star games, championship fights, Final Fours, and the list went on and on. At the same time, I thought about all the concerts, operas, plays, and movies I had attended. I also thought about my eldest son’s recent 11th birthday party, as well as all the weddings, holiday parties, and even Sunday dinners I had attended with my parents. more....