March/April 2009 | Sports Destination Management

March/April 2009


Sports Destination Management Magazine

March/April 2009

Soon fields across the country will be ripe with the cacophony of bats and balls.

In this issue of SDM we take an in-depth look at Baseball and Softball organizations, the venues in which they play, and how to choose the right facility (our new Site Selection column).

In this issue

Security: 10 Safety and Security Considerations the Rights Holder Needs to Consider When Bidding a Sports Event

BY: Dr. Lou Marciani

In post 9/11 world, rights holders must be adequately knowledgeable of available safety and security measures to prepare for, prevent, detect, and deter potential threats to their events. Catastrophic incidents should serve as constant reminders that sport events are vulnerable to man-made as well as natural incidents, resulting in significant damage to property and loss of life. more....