Pickleball Kingdom, the indoor pickleball franchise, announced the opening of its newest location in...
The three-day tournament, hosted by the Clarendon County Chamber of Commerce, will feature a roster...
Fourteen men’s college golf teams from across the nation are preparing to begin their 2024-25...
Gran Fondo Hincapie has been creating cycling experiences for over 12 years and has announced the...
The 41st annual Play Golf Myrtle Beach World Amateur Handicap Championship will host its Flight...
The country's best college fishing teams will compete in Anderson, S.C., Aug. 22-24 for a national...
South Carolina's Lake Hartwell will host the 2024 Strike King Bassmaster College National...
Liverpool F.C. and Manchester United will meet in the USA as part of the Rivals in Red Tour, facing...
A 72-hole, net stroke play tournament, the World Am will be played Aug. 26 – Aug. 30 and more than...
Located in Clemson, South Carolina, the T. Ed Garrison Arena is a beacon of versatility and excellence for hosting sports events, particularly equestrian and livestock activities. With expansive facil...