Philadelphia to Host Roller Derby Championship | Sports Destination Management

Philadelphia to Host Roller Derby Championship

May 20, 2015

The 2015 Roller Derby National Championship will be held August 28-30, 2015, in Philadelphia, PA.

This year's championship is open to all USARS teams on a first come, first served basis. On May 25, 2015, we will release a form called "Intent to Participate". This form, along with a non-refundable deposit of $100 will secure your team's spot at the championship. The remainder of the $500 entry fee will be due July 31, 2015.

Below are important dates for Champs:

May 25th - applications available

June 28 - player transfers from other teams will not be accepted after this date

July 31  - team rosters and full entry fee is due

New USARS Teams

Skaters Edge of Greater Virginia (VA)

Lincoln Lightning Roller Girls (NE)

Rink Assassins - Dolls of Doom (PA)

Safety Concerns: In order to be roster-eligible for a USARS sanctioned event, players must have passed the established USA Roller Sports minimum skills requirements. Each organization (club) is responsible for tracking this and a designated official (to be decided by club) must sign off on skill mastery for each player. The organization must maintain signed records of all successful assessments and if requested, should be able to provide these to USA Roller Sports. Players must be assessed on an annual basis. This is for the safety of your players and we strongly encourage you to only allow players who have passed assessment to participate in full contact in practices and scrimmages.

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