November/December 2013 | Sports Destination Management

November/December 2013


Sports Destination Management Magazine

November/December 2013

Sports requires great athleticism but it also demands unparalleled strategy. Whether athletes are on the field, in the pool, in the ring or on the court, whether they’re with a team, with a partner or all alone, they need a game plan in order to win.

This same holds true in sport event management, and in this issue of Sports Destination Management, we present some great plans for success. For example, what are some of the ways sports teams and leagues can adapt to help school children whose P.E. and recess times are being phased out? What are some strategies planners can use when they go to the table to negotiate a hotel contract? What are some good trends to know about when looking for merchandising your event?

That’s not all, though. There is an in-depth look at how planners have coped with last-minute adversity and still come out winners in executing their events. The Dew Tour explains why and how they changed their business model – and how it’s helping them grow.

We look at great facilities and new trends in tennis, volleyball and equestrian sports, along with rodeo. We’ll also examine some outstanding destinations in the Midwest and some exciting venues you can put on the short list when you’re searching for a host facility for your next event.

If you’re creating a strategy for 2014, consider this issue one of the most valuable tools in your kit. We guarantee you’ll turn to it again.

In this issue

Negotiating with Hotels: How to Meet in the Middle (and Still Come Out Ahead)!

BY: Laura Nakoneczny

No matter how comfortable sports-oriented professionals are when it comes to the court, the field or the track, that competitive confidence somehow evaporates when they find themselves in a new arena -- the negotiating table. more....