| | | By the Numbers: Super Bowl Edition The football season ends (with great fanfare) in Nevada this weekend and that means numbers. Lots of numbers. Here are a few. Two teams. One trophy. Countless expensive commercials (last year, one 30-second spot cost $7 million) and naturally, some great on-field performances. Here are some more of those great stats to crunch along with your nachos. ....read more | |
Destination Spotlight | Nebraska's Capital Steps Up to the Plate with New Baseball/Softball Complex Sports tourism officials in Lincoln, Nebraska, know there's something special about the state's second-largest city. But the one thing that always seemed to be missing was a youth baseball and softball complex. That void, however, is about to be filled. In August, ground was broken on the $27 million Sandhills Global Youth Complex. Learn more here. ....read more | | |
In other news and commentary... | Medal Detectors? TSA Confiscates Marathoners' Awards as Ninja Weapons | Sounds like we now need (wait for it) MEDAL DETECTORS in airports. Some runners completed the Miami Marathon and Half, only to find, when traveling home from the destination, that their medals were confiscated and thrown away by TSA because "they looked like ninja weapons." Event owners said they included a warning in a pre-race email. Who's right? ....read more |
| UTPR vs. DUPR: Decisions for Pickleball Tournament Owners | Honestly, it was only a matter of time. Pickleball has two ways players can determine their skill levels: the UTPR (USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings) and the DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Ratings). Event owners will need to specify on registration materials which system they will be using to enter results once play has been completed. ....read more |
| | When a Team Loses the Super Bowl, What Happens to the Pre-Made Apparel? | Super Bowl T-shirts celebrating the Philadelphia Eagles' win in 2023. The Bengals in 2022. The Chiefs in 2021. The 49ers in 2020. Seeing a common thread about these fancy gameday threads? They all represent apparel made in advance to honor teams that didn't wind up winning the Super Bowl. What happens to the items that are produced but can't be sold? ....read more |
| RFP: NAIA 2026 & 2027 Competitive Cheer and Dance National Championships | Here's something worth cheering about: NAIA is seeking bids for its Competitive Cheer and Dance National Championships in 2026 and 2027, with 500 athletes and 2,000 fans. If you have the indoor venue in late March, the hotel space and the desire to host, this is your opportunity. Bonus: You have time to apply, since the deadline is this coming June. ....read more |
| Digital Dominance | Nationwide, sports tourism professionals recognize the lure of esports and the potential economic impact tournaments of all sizes can have on their communities. As a result, destinations continue to prioritize gaming and its related events by building or upgrading facilities. Here are some cities and venues on the forefront of the movement. ....read more |
Inside Events | | International Game Fish Association SDM has covered multiple event owners and rights holders when it comes to fishing; however, this one is unique. The International Game Fish Association was created in order to establish an international governing body, to keep track of world records and to set rules for tournaments. Learn more about this organization, and its work, in this article. ....read more | |
Instagram Photo of the Week | The 41st Governors Challenge, a high school basketball tournament presented by Pohanka of Salisbury, took place December 26 through 30 at the Wicomico Civic Center and surrounding locations | Instagram | X | Facebook Send us your photos! Send them directly to us or use #sportsdestinations in your posts. Select photos will be presented on sportsdestinations.com, SDM Blitz and in the latest issues of Sports Destination Management magazine. Use #sportsdestinations via X or Instagram |  |
Read the latest issue of Sports Destination Management | 
| January/February 2024 Muhammad Ali said, "Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." If 2024 is your year to give back to the industry, this issue can help. "Bringing in a New Class of Leaders" talks about the qualities that will be in demand in the future. Are we helping others become those leaders? Another article covers an innovative obstacle race that brings together athletes with and without disabilities, and provides good information about adding adaptive categories to events. We're standing on the precipice of 2024. Let's make it a great one. ....read more | Read the entire issue | View the digital version | Issue archive |
Last word... | "It's ridiculous for a country to get all worked up about a game. Except the Super Bowl, of course. Now that's important." ~ Andy Rooney |
| Sports Destination Management and SDM Blitz are publications of Due North Media, a division of Due North Consulting, Inc. 3112 Blue Lake Drive | Suite 110 | Birmingham, Alabama 35243 800.899.2676 sportsdestinations.com | duenorthmedia.com About us | Privacy | Feedback Copyright 2001-2024, Due North Consulting, Inc - All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Due North Consulting, Inc. |