| | | New Legislation Finally Includes PPP Aid to Tourism Sector The sports tourism and travel industry just got a big Christmas present from the government. Legislation passed by Congress finally contains provisions for the travel and tourism industry, previously excluded from aid like PPP loans. Can this be the first step toward bringing back economic activity and jobs, and helping the industry get back on track? ....read more | |
| | Welcome to PNW Sports! Snohomish County, Washington Though our "pause" button is on with holding sports events, we would like to let you know that we are here, preparing to bring sports events back to Snohomish County when the time comes. We look forward to turning on our "Play PNW Sports" button to host the many sports events in our great venues. Here are five great reasons to bring your event here. ....read more | |
In other news and commentary... | NFHS: All States Expected to be Playing High School Sports in 2021 | The headline alone provides a much-needed shot of optimism. The National Federation of State High School Associations has stated, "With 2021 around the corner, all states are expected to be playing high school sports." However, the organization is also urging patience and prudence - two things in short supply in many areas after months of inactivity. ....read more |
| Challenge Daytona Brings Large-Scale Success | When Challenge Family announced they were bringing a triathlon to Daytona Beach - and furthermore, that it was going to have more than 2,000 athletes, the reactions ranged from doubt to disbelief to downright joy. And when the event went forward without problems, it was cause for celebration. Learn how organizers accomplished their mission. ....read more |
| | ITTF's #RESTART Series Lives Up to Its Name | Is it possible to restart the sports economy by rebranding it? One event owner is working that angle. Using the philosophy that optimism is contagious, the International Table Tennis Federation successfully drove awareness and engagement with its #RESTART series, managing to put on an international competition (with spectators) and no COVID cases. ....read more |
| Merger of Two Leagues Set to Change Lacrosse Landscape | It's not exactly the Hatfields and the McCoys or the clash of the titans but the news that Premier Lacrosse League was merging with Major League Lacrosse was enough to make those in the sport do a double take. How would the sport's landscape look now? What does it mean for cities that currently host teams? And what can we expect to see next? ....read more |
| What Do Your Teams Need to Know About Health Checks and Flying? | What happens with the unstoppable force meets the (for now) immovable object? This is the theory for the confluence of sports travel and COVID testing. And as the U.S. struggles to navigate the new travel and economic landscape, it's essential to know what airlines are requiring as well as how travelers can meet those requirements. Here are the facts. ....read more |
Inside Events |  | Inside Events: Axe Women Loggers of Maine Axe Women Loggers of Maine, an organization of competitive logging sports professionals, was formed in 2010 in response to a need for designated competitions and events for "lumberjills." Disciplines include competitive chopping, sawing and logrolling, with competitors appearing in events nationwide. Learn how the discipline is gaining recognition. ....read more | |
Instagram Photo of the Week | |  |
Read the latest issue of Sports Destination Management | 
| November/December 2020 As we sprint toward the end of the year, it's a good time to reflect - not on the things we can't do but on the things we have learned to do differently. Not all change is bad, particularly if it brings learning. This issue has examples. From merchandizing to app design, from recurring events to arranging accommodations, much has changed. This issue also helps you keep current on the changes in a variety of sports, including squash, football, rodeo, equestrian, tennis, pickleball and even volleyball. Finish the year strong and get set for 2021. ....read more | Read the entire issue |View the digital version |Issue archive |
Last word... | Joe Jacoby, Washington DC, prior to Super Bowl XVIII: "I'd run over my own mother to win the Super Bowl." Matt Millen, of the Raiders: "To win, I'd run over Joe's mom too." |
| Sports Destination Management and SDM Blitz are publications of Due North Media, a division of Due North Consulting, Inc. 3112 Blue Lake Drive | Suite 110 | Birmingham, Alabama 35243 800.899.2676 sportsdestinations.com | duenorthmedia.com About us | Privacy | Feedback Copyright 2001-2020, Due North Consulting, Inc - All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Due North Consulting, Inc. |